Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Now that I’m less than two hours before the first batch of these journals are due, I’m glad that I had this blog to be keeping up with them. Sure, I’ve already written two today, and after I finish this third one I’ve got one last one to go, but that’s still a whole lot better than I know I would have done without the blog. This brings up a good point when dealing with students. While I would love to have been totally different than most students, I know that in the issue of procrastination, I am not. If we give students any amount of time to complete an assignment, they will wait until the last minute because they have things to do that are not only more interesting, but more important to them.

So how does one little teacher find a way to get students to give the sort of attention to their work that it deserves? Especially a teacher who doesn’t always do that for her own work!

I have no answer to that question. Maybe using blogs in the way that I’m doing is one way to help with it, maybe there will be some other huge breakthrough I have while actually in the classroom. Maybe I’ll simply get an awesome group of students who want to do their work and won’t trouble me at all!

Hey, I can dream, right?